CEU 07

Cyfieithiad I’r Saesneg gan Gomisiwn y Senedd

English Translation by Senedd Commission

Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament

Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol | Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee

Diwylliant a'r berthynas newydd â'r UE | Culture and the new relationship with the EU

Ymateb gan: Llyfrgell Cenedlaethol Cymru Evidence from: National Library of Wales

As the Committee is considering the impact of the UK’s exit from the EU on the culture sector, what are your views on the following themes regarding the inquiry into Culture and the new relationship with the EU?

The impact of the new relationship on artists and creative workers touring and working cross-border (including touring and working in Wales)

This question is not applicable to us.

The impact of new trading arrangements relating to cultural activity

The biggest impact we have seen is when buying equipment for the institution from EU countries: the process is slower but has not caused us too much trouble.

The availability of guidance and support for the sector relating to the new relationship between the UK and EU

The guidelines we use are accessible and understandable.

The impact on access to funding programmes and networks

The EU has supported a number of Library projects in the past and it goes without saying that our culture will be poorer in the future if we are unable to receive EU grants. Nothing has taken their place so far.

Any changes to the UK-EU relationship that might improve cross-border working for the culture sector

The Welsh Government efforts in building relationships with some of the EU members, such as France for example, is laudable and provides Welsh institutions with opportunities to build relationships with them as well. We hope that the Welsh Government's culture strategy (which is yet to be published) will open new avenues for us to be able to build new cultural bridges between us and our neighbours in Europe.